German Police Investigates Why Tesla Autopilot Failed

Forbes reports Autopilot failed the toughest road test on the Autobahn. A Model S rear-ended a bus.

According to the police report cited by the local Schleswig-Holsteinische Zeitung, the accident occurred as a bus from Denmark returned into the right lane after a passing maneuver. “This was overlooked by the Tesla driver, or rather, by the Tesla,” writes the SHZ. The Model S crashed into the bus. The 50-year-old driver of the Tesla sustained minor injuries. All 29 passengers of the bus remained unharmed. According to the Police, the Autopilot of the Model S was engaged.

Tesla denies that the Autopilot was at fault. “We talked to the customer who confirms that the Autopilot functioned properly and that it was no factor in the accident,” a Tesla spokesperson told German media. The police is telling media that there is an “investigation into why the Autopilot failed.”  Generally, German Police treats Tesla’s Autopilot as a cruise control. The driver’s hands have to remain on the wheel, and feet have to remain on the pedals, Hamburg’s Morgenpost writes.

Here’s Tesla’s reponse Autopilot not to be blamed for the crash article from Reuters.



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