Transit Oriented Development: Building Sustainable Communities in America

Transit Oriented Development Building Sustainable urban mobility and Communities in America

Transit-oriented development (TOD) is compact, mixed-use development near transit where people can easily access jobs and services. When implemented well, TOD offers a diverse mix of amenities and housing choices and provides a safe, attractive environment for all users, including pedestrians and bicyclists.

By focusing commercial and residential development near transit hubs, TOD can help boost transit ridership and promote walkable, sustainable land use. TOD can take many forms; some TOD projects are located near transit stations in urban downtown areas, while others are located in more suburban settings. TODs may be primarily residential, primarily commercial, or a mix.

In comparison with low-density, auto-centric development patterns, TOD can provide economic, environmental, and social benefits. These include:

  • Increased ridership and associated revenue gains for transit systems;
  • Congestion relief due to reductions in vehicle miles traveled (VMT);
  • Economic development and neighborhood revitalization;
  • Human and environmental health benefits due to reduced VMT, increases in active transportation, and improved safety for pedestrians and cyclists; and
  • Increased housing and transportation choices for people of all ages and incomes.

The Southern Nevada Strong (SNS) consortium received a $3.5 million Sustainable Communities Initiative (SCI) grant to develop an integrated, federally recognized regional plan for Clark County, Nevada, which contains the City of Las Vegas. The SCI grant was supported by HUD, EPA, and U.S. DOT. The resulting SNS Regional Plan, adopted in 2015, provides a strategy for building a more sustainable future by increasing transportation choices, investing in complete communities, and improving economic competitiveness and education.

Read Malaysia Urban Mobility Focuses on Transit Oriented Development by Prasarana


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